Broken rubic cube

4 stress busting tools

Yesterday I went on a stress awareness course run by Healthy Cornwall. I thought that I would share with you the four tools the course leader shared with us. 1. A jar of positivity I had heard of this concept before but have never been inspired to implement it. I suspect that

stressed farmer

Why are farmers so stressed?

There are many sources of stress in the farming environment which can impact on us both psychologically and physically. In theory, we should worry about the things that are within our circle of influence and not the things we can not control (outside our circle of influence). Easier said that done, we

tractor tyre

The Tractor Wheel of Life – a quick way to check the pulse of your business

“I’ll think of something.” That’s a farmer’s answer to every problem – and usually they do as they’re incredibly resourceful, talented people with an amazing work ethic. They do it until it comes to their own wellbeing. Many of you reading the words ‘farmer’s wellbeing’ are probably starting to feel uncomfortable, a

tractor in a coastal field with a roller attached

A tractor cab guide to self-care

Looking after ourselves is a priority. Just like your tractor, without regular maintenance you won’t run efficiently and will eventually breakdown. Taking a little time to take care of ourselves can improve all areas of our lives. Even small changes can make large differences to our mental wellbeing. You may want to

There once was a farmer that smiled. It’s true

But it was a long, long time ago and it was just one farmer. More importantly, the farmer that smiled knew why they were farming. Why are you farming? It’s a very simple question but how many farmers can answer it fully? There are many, many challenges facing farmers, but before farmers